Tuesday 4 February 2014


The first thing I wanted to try when we arrived was the famous “full English breakfast” or as it is here “full Scottish”. This is a, no wait, it is the breakfast here in UK, and if you have ever watched a TV show or a movie from the UK you should have seen it been eaten. As my favorite TV-show is Skins, I had seen this breakfast in many episodes and wanted to try it myself to see if I felt more British at it. I thought that since we were going to live here only a year we needed to adjust fast, so I decided that the first thing we were going to do was to eat a proper Scottish breakfast.
Right after we got of the buss from the airport I dragged everyone in to a small, red colored pub right across the street called Curly`s. The pub`s entrance was decorated with different flags from the UK and some other counties, but I did not find a Norwegian flag, so I figured out that I could buy them one just for the fun of it. Anyway, when we walked in to the pub we got greeted by a middle aged man who called him self “Mackay” who showed us to a table in the corner by the bar. It was 11`o`clock, so most people were at work except for an old man, a mother and son, and the man who worked there. Mackay came over to us with four menus, but I had already decided on what we all were going to eat so I ordered four orange juices and four of the “Egg and bacon-stuff that were in all the British movies”. The man laughed at my description of the breakfast and repeated my saying as he walked in to the kitchen.
After about 15 minutes we each got a huge plate with fried eggs, a lot of bacon, sausages, baked beans in tomato sauce, toast, grilled tomato, mushrooms and a white jelly-looking thing I wasn`t so sure about. None of us wanted to be the first one to try the jelly, so we asked the waiter what it was just to be prepared for what it would taste like. He explained to us that the jelly was really a pudding and was made out of pork meat and fat, oatmeal, bread and suet, which was worse than what we had imagined. Not one of us tasted the pudding, but the rest of the meal was mostly eaten up on each plate.
I personally must say that I really liked the breakfast (except the pudding of course), but the tomato sauce was kind of weird to eat as breakfast and I didn`t think that it went to well with the rest, taste wise. I do hope that this is something I will get used to, having tomato sauce in my breakfast, but at the same time, no one likes all kind of food, right?

Later that day we went out to eat again, but this time we went to a different pub called Royal hall, which was right across the street from where we`d eaten breakfast. Anyway, the dish we ate was fish and chips, a very famous dish that goes back to the 17th century where it became a stock meal for the working class in the North Sea. The dish is very old, and really not that special, so I can`t understand why it is so famous and big here in the UK. When I got the dish I was kind of disappointed. Why would someone make such a big deal out of this? It was just a plate with fried cod and French fries, nothing special, really. The taste was okay, but it was nothing special about the dish so I must say it was kind of boring. It`s not much more to say.

Then it was time for desserts. Just for fun, we chose to go to a new pub just to try out the different pubs in town. We walked around the corner from Royal hall and found our dessert place, Clydesdale Bar. It was now afternoon and the bar was half full so the volume of voices was high. We each ordered Cranachan, which were raspberries, whipped cream, whiskey and honey put in layers in a transparent glass. This dessert I loved! Berries and whipped cream is always good, but the whiskey made it so much better. I recommend everyone to try this dessert as it is a “wow!” and you will not regret it!

Finally, I can say that I have experienced Scottish food pretty well today, and I will give it a 6,5 out of 10, but this is only counting my experiences today, so my judgment might change in a couple of weeks when I have tasted more Scottish food.

Peace out! 


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